Dawn Rose Triumphant

And the dawn rose triumphant, making flee

The morning breeze before her; and far off

I recognized the shimmering of the sea.

— Dante, Purgatory I.115-117, Translation by Dorothy Sayers.

Captured this photo last Friday as I was heading to Providence Prep. No time to stop and snap . . . I'm already so late . . .  well. Of course, my poor little photo doesn't begin to do it justice, but the sunrise did bring a brief moment of serenity at the start of a brim-full day. I meant to just post it on my personal instagram, but alas, I forgot. And then, while we were reading aloud this morning, I remembered. So here you go.

We began the ascent this morning—coming "forth from that dead air" of the Inferno. Rich and rewarding and, yes, even beautiful, but oh-so-hard to bear. Now bound "for better waters" of Purgatory.  My sixteen-year-old son and I take turns reading the Comedy aloud, five cantos a week, as we work through our field test of Poetics & Progym III.  Savoring these last few years of my primary vocation.


One of Those Mysterious Fairy Calls


A Gentle Man