How Moms — Not Just Kids! — Benefit From Read-Alouds

I was honored to be a guest today at Pam Barnhill's Blog, sharing some thoughts about the benefits of regular reading aloud to Mom. You'll also find some tips for building your own read-aloud skills.

Let’s say you are convinced that reading aloud to your children is the best thing you can do for them. You line up your reading selections, you plan your morning time, you are prepared to overcome the obstacles of wiggly bodies and wandering minds. You say that this is exactly the boost your homeschool needs. The first day comes, and you eagerly dive in.But then you find yourself stumbling over the words. You run into words you can’t even pronounce, let alone understand. After a short time, your voice becomes strained and tired. Hmm… this isn’t as much fun as you thought it would be. Maybe it just won’t work for you. Maybe you are just not cut out for this reading aloud business.Audiobooks start to look like a better option. And they do have their place. They certainly are always a better option than screens. They have redeemed many a car ride for our family. But audiobooks also have their drawbacks, particularly during Morning Time. For one thing, you will be sorely tempted to “do something else productive”—or not-so-productive (*cough* social media *cough*). Besides, reading aloud to your children has benefits that just are not matched by audiobooks. Here are a few to keep you motivated. Read the rest at Pam Barnhill's Blog, or listen to it on Pam's Homeschool Solutions podcast

And keep an eye out for my upcoming (long-delayed) series on Morning Time Principles and Practices. It's finally in the works!

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